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The Unauthorized Blog

Bruce Hogen Lambson
12 minutes ago5 min read
Why do Buddhists study Emptiness?
Emptiness is a word we use in Buddhism to help people to see more clearly what the true nature of reality is. The realization or “direct...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
3 days ago2 min read
The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment
Another Buddhist Analogy The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment is a book by Taizan Maezumi Roshi and Bernie Tetsugen Glassman Roshi. The...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
7 days ago3 min read
"I don't know much about it but I think it's cool." - my neighbor My wife and I are Zen Buddhist monks. We met at the monastery during...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Feb 62 min read
Why do Buddhists Study the Self?
The Prasangika Madhyamaka view of Self The Prasangika Madhyamika, a school of Mahayana Buddhism, particularly emphasizes the philosophy...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 282 min read
Why do Buddhists Study Karma?
In the popular culture of Western countries Karma is often confused with Cause & Effect. While they are similar and intertwined, there is...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 221 min read
You Can't Make an Omelette Without Breaking a Few Eggs
It's the Same For Enlightenment If you want to get anywhere in your life you have to question all of your ideas, notions, convictions and...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 212 min read
The Buddhist Principle of Emptiness
What is the meaning of emptiness in Buddhism? In Buddhism, the concept of "emptiness" is a central philosophical idea, particularly...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 161 min read
Ask the Big Questions
A class I gave back in the good old days at Kanzeon Zen Center. The topic? Life & Death. It was a good group and it turned out to be...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 162 min read
Nagarjuna's Middle Way
Nagarjuna, an influential Indian Buddhist philosopher from around the 2nd to 3rd century CE, is best known for his development of the...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 161 min read
School of Hard Knocks!
The other day I went to Home Depot to get a thingie to fix a garden hose that sprang a leak. As I was leaving and walking through the...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 162 min read
Nagarjuna on Dependent Arising : The Most Profound View
Dependent Arising Defined: Dependent Arising refers to the principle that all phenomena arise, exist, and cease due to a complex web of...
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Bruce Hogen Lambson
Jan 163 min read
Knowing, Not-Knowing, and Non-Knowing
Many modern Zen teachers have this a little bit wrong. Zen Buddhists often use the phrase “Not-Knowing”. It’s meant to point out that...
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